Coincidently, my friend, Vincent was looking for a straight flow end muffler as well. So, I just asked him to get me the same muffleras his :). We wanted a straight flow with a low sound resonance muffler. Our friend, James had been using this muffler for about 3years...and he strongly recommend this muffler coz it was very quiet-straight flow muffler. ;P.
And he ordered 1 for himself too, coz his existing muffler showed signs of old age. ;D. So, Vincent ordered a total of 3 mufflers from his friend from KL. He got bashed up by his fellow friend for getting so many mufflers at 1 time. Haha.
Later when the mufflers arrived, Vincent and I went to POI Exhaust to get it installed. I had changed my exhaust header at this same shop. Previous article was HERE.
Hotbits muffler - Quiet-straight flow...
Under the car...S-flow...
Hotbits in...custom tail pipe...need to redo it again soon.. :P
The welding spot...
Fixed a flange for easy and exchangeable in future...
Closer look...
Well, after the changed of this muffler, butt dyno tells me that not much difference. But after a few days driving it, my butt dyno gave another reading. Hehe. The response was better and the willingness of the RPM needle to climb up was much more faster. When going for top speed, it felt smoother. In sound wise, it was perfect. Very quiet when cruising on the highway and not disturbing others. Hehe. Great deal on this muffler. ;D
woohoo.... now VTEC can kick in faster....
Haha,,Vtec won't kick in faster. Just the ride was smoother and can reach high RPM a little bit faster only. This is due to the back pipe not 'blocked' anymore. Hehehe...
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